How to Store Cilantro
How to Store Cilantro

Here’s a genius cooking tip for storing cilantro! This trick keeps cilantro fresh for days.

Save cilantro

Has this happened to you? You buy a large bunch of cilantro at the store, wrap it in the plastic bag that comes with it, and toss it in the fridge drawer when you get home. But if you catch this precious bundle of herbs within a day or two, it will already begin to wither and turn black! what did you do wrong This has happened to us more times than we can count…until we learned this trick lasts up to a week or more! Here’s exactly how cilantro is stored.

Save cilantro

corianderalso known as coriander, is a cool herb with a fresh, lemony flavor. It is commonly used in Latin American, North African, Caribbean, and Asian cuisines. Flavor can be polarizing: there’s even a genetic trait that creates an aversion to this weed! But it is a very popular fresh herb used in cooking.

What is the best way to store coriander? Use a large mason jar or herb container! This method is easy and keeps the cilantro green and vigorous much longer than putting it in the vegetable drawer. Avoid storing it in plastic bags which will cause it to wilt immediately. Here’s what to do (or scroll down):

  • Use a large mason jar with a lid or buy an herb storage container. For the cilantro, we prefer a herb saver because it’s just the right height and width for a bunch of cilantro. This is the herb saver we’ve been using for years. (You can use it for any fresh herbs!)
  • Add a few inches of water and add the herbs. Place the chopped sides of the cilantro in the water.
  • Add the lid. The lid keeps the herbs perfectly fresh! They last longer without the lid, but longer with the lid on.
How to store fresh herbs
Herb Saver vs. Large Jars: Herb Saver works best with cilantro and parsley, but either will work

How long does the cilantro stay fresh?

This method of storing cilantro will vary depending on how fresh the herb is when you purchase it, what herb protector you use, and what refrigerator you use. Using this method, the cilantro should stay fresh for about 1 week., See more. We recommend using it within the first week of purchase, but you may find it lasts longer.

Best Ways to Store Other Herbs? See How to Store Basil, How to Store Parsley, How to Store Mint or How to Store Fresh Herbs.

Cilantro Recipes

What are you doing with your cilantro? Let us know in the comments below. There are a variety of recipes using this delicious herb. Here are some of the best cilantro recipes:

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  • 1 coriander bunch
  • 1 tall glass jar with lid or herb protector

  1. Find a very large mason jar or store-bought herb saver. Make sure the jar is big enough so the cilantro stems don’t get crushed or clogged inside. Add a few inches of water (or up to the waterline in the herb container).
  2. Place the cilantro stalks in the glass with the cut side in the water. (If necessary, cut off the ends to put in the jar.)
  3. Unscrew the lid of the jar or add the top of the herb protector. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week (or longer if using the herb saver).
  • Category: Herbs
  • Method: storage
  • Kitchen: Herbs
  • Diet: vegan

Keywords: Save cilantro, keep cilantro fresh

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