How to Freeze Peaches
How to Freeze Peaches

How to Freeze Peaches, a quick and easy way to preserve them! Use this simple technique to extend the life of fresh peaches.

How to freeze peaches

Do you have nice ripe peaches and need to extend their shelf life? Here is how to freeze fresh peaches! Freezing peaches is a great way to preserve this fruit, especially since it doesn’t alter the texture of the fruit like canning does. This makes them easy to take out of the freezer and use right away in a peach dessert or peach smoothie. There are a few things to note about the method, but it’s quick and easy. Here’s what you need to know!

How to freeze peaches

Maybe you’re like us: we had some nice ripe peaches and were just about to head into the weekend. What to do? Freeze them! Peaches can go from ripe to overripe quickly, so it’s important to save them before they become too juicy and bruised. Freezing is an ideal method because it captures the raw texture of the fruit, as opposed to canning, which involves cooking the fruit. To quickly freeze fresh peaches, you must first peel them and then freeze them on a tray. Here’s what to do:

  1. Peel peaches: Fill a large bowl of water with ice. Start a medium-sized pot of water to boil. Once cooked, place the peaches in batches of 3 in boiling water for 45 seconds. Remove each peach with a slotted spoon and place in the ice bath. After about 1 minute, when the peaches are cool enough to handle, make a small slit with a paring knife to pierce the skin. Then peel off the leaf skin with your fingers.
  2. Cut into slices and mix with lemon juice: Remove the pits, thinly slice the peaches and place the slices in a bowl. Mix the lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of water and mix with the slices.
  3. Freeze on a plate: Place the slices on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze until set, 3 to 4 hours.
  4. Transfer in a bag: Transfer to an airtight container or plastic bag. If using a bag, suck out any remaining air with a straw before sealing the bag, then write a date on the bag.
How to freeze fresh peaches

storage information

Do you have the fruit in the freezer? Frozen peaches keep best in the freezer for up to 6 months. They can last up to 1 year, but then become very icy. They have the best flavor and texture if used within the first 3 months.

How to thaw frozen peaches

Ready to use your frozen fruit in recipes? These peach slices are easy to add to whatever you cook. Here are some notes:

  • Strain under lukewarm water to use in baked desserts or cooked recipes. Put the frozen peaches in a sieve and let them soak under lukewarm water for about 1 minute. Shake them mostly dry. They may still be stuck inside. This works well for a peach chip or peach cobbler.
  • Use immediately in smoothies. Toss them straight into a peach smoothie, peach mango smoothie, or banana peach smoothie.
  • To use in other desserts or recipes, let stand at room temperature for 1 hour. Peaches will release some liquid when thawed, which is natural. Their texture differs slightly from raw: almost like lightly cooked. We don’t recommend using them in peach salad, but they would work for peach salsa or peach sangria.
How to freeze peaches

Frozen Peach Recipes

Remember, even frozen peaches are a lot tastier than store-bought bags! In some of our recipes we don’t recommend using store-bought frozen peaches, but homemade frozen fruit is a different story. Here are some popular peach recipes and peach desserts that you can use frozen fruit in:

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The description

How to Freeze Peaches, a quick and easy way to preserve them! Use this simple technique to extend the life of fresh peaches.

  • 1 at 2 Pound Sterling (6 at 8th medium) peaches
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  1. Prepare an ice bath by filling a large bowl of water with ice. Start a medium-sized pot of water to boil. Once cooked, place the peaches in batches of 3 in boiling water for 45 seconds. Remove the peaches with a slotted spoon and place in the ice bath. After about a minute, when the peaches are cool enough to handle, use a paring knife to make a small slit to pierce the skin. Then peel off the leaf skin with your fingers.
  2. Remove the pits, thinly slice the peaches and place the slices in a bowl. Mix the lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of water and mix with the peach slices.
  3. Place peaches on a parchment-lined baking sheet and freeze until hard, 3 to 4 hours.
  4. Place in an airtight container or plastic bag for long-term storage. If using a bag, suck out any remaining air with a straw before sealing the bag, then write a date on the bag. Store up to 6 months.
  • Category: Essential
  • Method: Frozen
  • Kitchen: N / A
  • Diet: vegan

Keywords: How to freeze peaches, how to freeze fresh peaches

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