How to Cook Barley 038 Barley Recipes
How to Cook Barley 038 Barley Recipes

How to cook barley and our best barley recipes! This plump and chewy whole grain is great for salads, side dishes and more.

Here’s a grain that’s chewy and hearty and works in everything from hearty comfort food to fresh salads: barley! This ancient whole grain has nourished people for centuries, and with good reason. It’s packed with protein, fiber and vitamins: Its soft texture and nutty flavor are irresistibly delicious! Throw it into salads and soups, or eat it as a side dish or alternative to rice. Learn more about this grain and our best barley recipes!

what is barley

Barley is a whole grain with a chewy texture and nutty flavor. It is a seed of the grass family Poaceae and is the fourth largest grain crop in the world after wheat, rice and corn. It is one of the oldest grains, having been cultivated in Egypt for over 10,000 years!

Is barley gluten free? Barley contains gluten and is therefore not suitable for people on a gluten-free diet. It is not a type of wheat, a common misconception: they are two different types of grass.

types of barley

There are two types of barley you can find in the store: Pot and Pearl. The difference is similar to white rice versus brown rice: like brown rice, less grain is removed during processing. We tend to use nacre because it cooks faster, but some people prefer the nutritional profile of clams. Here’s a breakdown:

  • pearl barley has only the outer shell of the grain removed, so has more fiber than the pearl variety. It is darker in color and takes about 1 hour to cook.
  • pearl or pearl barley is the most common form in which the outer layers of envelope and sound have been removed. Cooking takes less time, about 30 minutes. It’s still very nutritious; see below.

Barley nutrition: peeled vs. pearled

Some sources recommend eating peeled pearl barley for nutritional reasons. But the nutritional differences between the two are not very significant! Pearl is still an excellent source of protein and fiber. Here’s the nutritional breakdown for 100 grams of uncooked grains (about 1 ½ cups cooked):

ingredient calories protein crabs fiber Large
pearl barley 354 12.5 grams 73.5 grams 17.3 grams 2.3 grams
pearl barley 352 9.9 grams 77.7 grams 15.6 grams 1.2 grams

Data source: Medical News Today

How to cook barley: a few tips

There are many ways to cook barley: go to the recipe below for our master method! Here are some basic method tips before you start:

  • Use 3 parts water to 1 part barley. You can also cook it the “pasta method” without measuring the water. Fill a large saucepan with water, bring to a boil, then add the grains and cook until tender.
  • Simmer 25 to 30 minutes for pearlescent or 45 to 1 hour for potted barley. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to minimum and cover the pan. You can add more water if the pan gets dry while cooking the peeled variety.
  • Drain and serve. Once soft, drain excess water. Then you are ready to serve! Add salt and butter or olive oil if serving as a side dish, or allow to cool if using in salads.
How to cook barley

barley recipes

What is the best way to use this grain in recipes? Make it a side dish and use it instead of rice in dishes like stuffed peppers or fried rice. Or add it to salads, soups, cereal bowls and more! Here are a few ideas:

How to cook other whole grains

Want an alternative to that fluffy cereal? There are many other tasty whole grains to add to your repertoire. Here are some of our best recipes:

  • Attempt Faroa similar grain with a nutty flavor and faster cooking time
  • Decide for milleta unique seed with a chewy texture (gluten free)
  • Attempt Andean milleteveryone’s favorite gluten free grain
  • to decide bulgura hearty, quick-cooking grain

This barley recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based and dairy-free.

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The description

How to cook barley and our best barley recipes! This plump and chewy whole grain is great for salads, side dishes and more.

  1. Place barley, salt and water in a saucepan.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 25-30 minutes for pearl barley and 45-1 hour for potted barley (you can add more water for potted barley if the pan gets dry).
  3. Drain excess water. As a side dish, season with salt, butter or olive oil and herbs. Or place in a single layer on a baking sheet and let cool for a few minutes (put in the freezer to speed up cooling) before using in salad recipes.
  • Category: garnish
  • Method: Cook
  • Kitchen: full grain
  • Diet: vegan

Keywords: Barley, barley recipes, how to cook barley

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