Carrot Juice in a Blender
Carrot Juice in a Blender

How to make carrot juice in a blender: no juicer needed! It’s easy to make this delicious, nutrient-dense drink at home.

carrot juice

are you in the juice Here is one of the best juices to add daily: carrot juice! It’s packed with nutrients And it tastes fantastic. Instead of sipping soda, why not sip on this bright orange beauty? This carrot juice recipe makes a juice with a nice fresh taste. It has the natural sweetness of oranges and apples and a hint of lemon. Best of all, you don’t even need a juicer! Prepare a large batch of carrot juice and you can drink it all week long. This is how this healthy drink is prepared!

More juice? Try green juice, celery juice, cucumber juice and other juice recipes.

Carrot Juice Benefits: Why Drink It?

Why drink carrots in juice form when you can just eat them? Whole carrots are much more filling because of the high fiber content. But here’s the thing: It’s easier to get all the nutrients and antioxidants from carrots in juice form. According to Healthline, Medical News Today, and others, carrot juice has many purported benefits. Here are some of the potential benefits (see these articles for details):

  • Increased metabolism: It can therefore possibly help with weight loss
  • Stronger vision: The old adage has a grain of truth! The beta-carotene in carrots can help with eye health
  • Strengthened immune system Antioxidants and Vitamin C
  • healthy skin, lower cholesterol, reduced risk of cancerand more!

It immediately makes us want a big glass of orange! Here are the ingredients you need…

How to make carrot juice

Ingredients for carrot juice

Carrot juice only requires a handful of ingredients for great flavor. It’s actually a great way to cut down on food waste and use carrots and fruits that are at their peak. Here’s what you need:

  • carrots: Use 1 pound or 2/12 cups chopped. We like to peel them before we blend them. If you use a juicer, you don’t have to.
  • Apple: Some guy! We love green apples and always have them on hand for smoothies.
  • Orange: Any kind of orange will work too: we used a big one.
  • lemon: The lemon juice adds just enough sparkle to the juice. It is mandatory: do not forget!

Variations: additional flavors!

There are many other ways to add flavor to your juice. Here are some other ideas to spice up your carrot juice base:

  • Ginger Carrot Juice: Add 1 teaspoon of peeled and grated ginger.
  • Pineapple Carrot Juice: Add 1 cup chopped fresh or canned pineapple. (You will get a bigger yield with this addition).
  • Carrot Mango Juice: Add 1 cup diced fresh mango.
  • Carrot Pear Juice: Use 1 pear in place of the apple.
  • Carrot Cucumber Juice: Add ½ cup diced cucumber. (Try cucumber juice too!)
  • Celery Carrot Juice: Add 4 stalks of celery, roughly chopped. (Try celery juice too!)
carrot juice

How to make carrot juice

Ready to juicing? Here’s how to make carrot juice in a blender! Note: If you have a juicer, simply run all of the ingredients in the recipe below through your juicer.

  • Put all ingredients in a blender. Use ½ cup of water to mix things up, but not too much to dilute the juice.
  • Blend on high power until pureed and smooth. At this point, it looks like a thick smoothie.
  • blunt! This is the important part. Strain the juice through a fine mesh strainer or a nut milk bag. You can also use a cheesecloth and squeeze it to strain out the juice. Discard this pulp or see some uses below.
  • Add the lemon juice. The lemon juice gives the flavor just the right amount of brightness at the end.

What to do with carrot juice mash?

Hand on heart: we usually throw away our juice mush. (gasp!) We’ll admit it’s wasteful to get rid of. But honestly, there aren’t many great things to do with it. We don’t want to do the following:

How to make carrot juice

More carrot recipes

do you like carrots We also. Here are a few more of our top carrot recipes for getting all those great nutrients:

This Carrot Juice Recipe is…

Vegetarian, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free and gluten-free.

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The description

How to make carrot juice in a blender: no juicer needed! It’s easy to make this delicious, nutrient-dense beverage at home. Juicer option: You can also make this recipe in a juicer: double or triple if you like.

  • 1 mash carrots (2 1/2 cups chopped)
  • 1 big apple
  • 1 big orange
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • ½ cup the water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

  1. Peel and dice the carrots. Chop the apple, keeping the skin. Peel the orange.
  2. Place carrots, apple, orange, salt and water in a blender. Blend on high power until puree and juice form.
  3. Strain the juice through a fine mesh strainer or nut milk bag to strain out the pulp. Discard the pulp (or use: see ideas above). Stir in fresh lemon juice. Drink immediately or refrigerate before drinking.
  • Category: drink
  • Method: Mix
  • Kitchen: vegan
  • Diet: vegan

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Hello everybody, Even if you're limited on time and money, I believe you can prepare wonderful food with everyday products. All you have to do is cook cleverly and creatively!