Best Parmesan Truffle Fries
Best Parmesan Truffle Fries

Crispy potatoes, truffle oil and parmesan: WOW! These Parmesan Truffle Fries are incredibly flavorful and baked in a hot oven until crispy. Vegan variant included.

truffle fries

Have you ever ordered truffle fries in a restaurant and wanted to recreate them at home? Well, we have a recipe for you! The Parmesan truffle fries recipe is damn special. Flavor is every bit as good as restaurant fries, with just the right amount of subtle hints of earthy truffle. They’re crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, salted to perfection and sprinkled with cheese to make them stand out. You’ll feel so chic you won’t know what to do with yourself! As big truffle fans we were blown away.

More fries recipes? Try Oven Fries, Chili Cheese Fries, Cheese Fries, House Fries, Steak Fries, Cajun Fries, or Greek Fries!

Parmesan truffle fries

What are truffle fries?

First things first: what exactly are truffle fries? Truffle fries are truffle flavored fries. Usually the flavor comes from truffle oil, although some restaurants can use real shaved truffles. And of course we are not talking about chocolate here! Black and white truffles can be considered a type of mushroom, but technically they are mushrooms! Unlike other mushrooms, they grow underground and have no visible stalk. They are considered the “kitchen diamond” and are highly valued in many kitchens.

Why do people love truffles so much? Well, first the taste. Truffles are earthy, intoxicating, and make whatever they are added to taste more intriguing. Second, they are very expensive and rare because they are difficult to harvest (which makes them all the more desirable!). Hunters actually take specially trained dogs and pigs to hunt truffles to find their scent underground. Which leads us to understand why truffle oil has become an easy way to enjoy the taste of truffles. Continue reading…

truffle oil

What is the best truffle oil?

If you are a truffle lover, you may have heard some controversy about using truffle oil. Chefs have often wrinkled their noses up there. Why? Well, there are a lot of truffle oils out there are synthetic. They only mimic the flavors of real truffles and are often extremely strong. But good news: finally there are purely natural truffle oils on the market! This type of truffle oil is made from real pieces of truffle and is not synthetic. Only use natural truffle oil for these parmesan truffle fries When everything is possible!

What is the best truffle oil for truffle fries? Here are some top brands (we are not affiliated):

  • TRUFFLE: Our favorite is TRUFF truffle oil: it has a rich black truffle flavor that is more intense than most natural oils.
  • Urban : Another great option is Urbani’s White Truffle Oil. It is made in Italy, completely natural and with pieces of real truffle inside and nothing synthetic. It has a fantastic and subtle truffle aroma.
Parmesan truffle fries

Tips for preparing truffle fries

OK! Do you feel educated in truffles? (Me too.) A little personal info on why I’m so interested in this. Truffle is my favorite flavor in the world. Yes, I can’t help it! It’s earthy and intoxicating. Also, it reminds me of our trips to Italy, so of course it gives me all the feelings! I was incredibly excited to be making truffle fries at home. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Master cutting your fries by hand. Chopping fries takes a bit of technique, and it’s easier to show than say. Go to How to Cut Potatoes in French Fries or watch the video below.
  • Fry the fries well apart on the baking sheet. How do you get crispy fries? When cooking on the hobs, keep them as far apart as possible. This allows for the best airflow between the fries. It may seem difficult, but trust us! Stack fries on top of each other and they get mushy and steamy instead of crispy.
  • Find a good truffle oil. As we noted above, any natural truffle oil is much higher quality and tastes better than a synthetic oil. What if everything you could find was synthetic? You can still use it! Water just a little less than what the recipe says as the flavor is much stronger.

How to become vegan: leave out the parmesan!

Is the cheese in these Parmesan Truffle Fries a must? Not really! You can easily make these truffle fries vegan by simply omitting the parmesan. You can also sprinkle some more salt.

But parmesan cheese is highly recommended! If you eat cheese, we recommend using it. Alex and I tried it both ways, and the cheese added a certain magic that changed the taste from amazing to crazy. Here you go: everything to do with truffle fries! Let us know if you try them in the comments below!

truffle fries

This recipe for truffle fries is…

Vegetarian and gluten free. For plant-based, dairy-free, and vegan products, omit the parmesan.

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The description

Crispy potatoes, truffle oil and parmesan: WOW! These Parmesan Truffle Fries are incredibly flavorful and baked in a hot oven until crispy.

  • 2 pound russet potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 tablespoons purely natural truffle oil or to taste with a synthetic truffle oil (Important! See Note)*
  • Parmesan or pecorino cheese, freshly grated (omit for vegans)
  • coarse sea salt for garnish
  • Chopped chives for garnish

  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Cut the potatoes into fries (Watch the video to see!): Wash the potatoes, leave the peel on. Cut off the ends of each potato, then cut off part of the side to form a bottom. Lay the half-cut potato side down and slice a ¼-inch slice, then set the slice on its side and cut into several long strips. Repeat until all potatoes are cut into fries. The pieces may be uneven, but aim for as uniform a thickness as possible. Watch the video for full instructions.
  3. Place the fries in a large bowl with the olive oil and kosher salt. Mix well to combine.
  4. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Spread the fries on the paper and space them as much as possible.
  5. Bake fries for 15 minutes. Take them out of the oven and turn them over. Reduce heat to 400 degrees.
  6. Flip the trays in the oven and bake an additional 10 minutes, until the fries are crispy and golden brown. Be careful as the cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the fries and the oven. (If the majority of the fries appear soft, continue cooking for a few more minutes.)
  7. Remove the baking sheets from the oven. Drizzle with truffle oil (note that if your bottle doesn’t say “all natural,” drizzle to taste – it’s much stronger than all natural, so don’t use the amount listed.) Add coarse mer sea salt and crush it with your finger while you sprinkle. Sprinkle with Parmesan and chives. Serve immediately (fries will soften when sitting). If you continue, skip step 7, then heat the fries in a 400 degree oven and do step 7.


*If you use an all natural truffle oil like Urbani Natural Truffle Oil the flavor will be more subtle so you will need more than if you use a synthetic oil. If you buy truffle oil that doesn’t say “natural flavor” anywhere on its packaging, it will be stronger. Pour it to taste.

  • Category: garnish
  • Method: Cooked
  • Kitchen: French

Keywords: Truffle fries, truffle fries with parmesan

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