Raw Brownies
Raw Brownies

These raw brownies are incredibly fudgy and chocolatey! Made simply from nuts, dates and cocoa powder, they will rock your world.

Mmm, rich, chocolatey brownies. What if I told you that behind the rich, chocolatey taste, there’s no sugar, no oil, no flour, no butter, no egg? What if I told you they only consist of things that are really good for you? What if I told you they didn’t need to be cooked and in fact only took about 5 minutes to prepare? If you told me these things, I’d say you found the perfect dessert. Encounter: raw brownies. These raw brownies are vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free and 1000% delicious. Read on for the recipe!

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How to make raw brownies

I was initially skeptical about raw brownies. The first raw brownies I tried was a My New Roots recipe, and it claimed it would change my life. But after a taste of the chocolate batter, I was won over! What are raw brownies? Instead of making a traditional brownie batter using flour, sugar, and butter, these brownies are whipped together in a food processor. Raw Brownies combine Medjool dates, nuts, and cocoa powder for a fudge-like brownie that’s every bit as satisfying as the real thing.

What are Medjool dates? Nowadays, chances are you had it even if you don’t know it! Medjool dates are big, chewy, sweet dates used to make natural candies like larabars (here’s a homemade version). Finding Medjool dates for this recipe is important as they are important for texture: no replacement! We could find them in bulk at our local grocery store; They are also available online.

Serve raw brownies

If you can’t imagine a dessert without chocolate, you can add a few dark chocolate chips if you like. Or you can add a little sea salt if you prefer the sweet and salty combo. But these raw brownies are perfectly delicious just the way they are. I eat them plain, but my mom likes to serve them parfait style, like in this Yogurt Berry Brownie Parfait. And of course, crumbled ice would be perfect too.

If you’ve tried raw brownies yourself, try them on your family and friends (and let them guess the magic ingredients)! We did and they got rave reviews. So are they dessert perfection? Close enough for us – not only do they make up for my lack of baking skills, they are all natural and therefore completely guilt-free! Let us know if you too become a fan of this new breed of treats!

Looking for healthier desserts?

Do you want any other healthy dessert ideas besides these raw brownies? Here are some of our favorite healthy desserts:

This raw brownie recipe is…

Vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, plant-based, dairy-free, egg-free, refined sugar-free, naturally sweetened

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The description

These raw brownies are incredibly fudgy and chocolatey! Made simply from nuts, dates and cocoa powder, they will rock your world.

  • 1 ¼ cup Medjool dates (approx. 12)*
  • ¼ cup Almonds (unsalted)
  • 1 cup nuts (unsalted)
  • ½ cup cocoa powder
  • ⅛ teaspoon kosher salt or sea salt
  • Cinammon

  1. Remove the pits from the dates. chop almonds
  2. Place the nuts in the bowl of a food processor. Blend on high until nuts are finely chopped.
  3. Add cocoa powder and kosher salt. impulse to combine.
  4. Turn on the food processor. While the processor is running, add the data one at a time. After all the dates have been added, the mixture should be crumbly but malleable (may form a ball depending on processing time). Discard the almonds and pulse a few times to combine them (you can also mix the almonds in a bowl if a ball has formed).
  5. Shape brownies: Line a small square pan with wax paper and press down to desired thickness (don’t worry if this doesn’t fill the whole pan; brownies are easy to shape). You can also press the brownies into a mini muffin pan or other pan. Place in fridge or freezer for 5-10 minutes to set; they can easily be cold cut.
  6. Sprinkle with cinnamon to serve. (You can also add some cinnamon to the brownie batter if you like.)


Adapted from My New Roots *Medjool dates are an exceptionally large and sweet type of date; Finding the real thing for this recipe is important. We could find them in bulk at our local grocery store; They are also available online. If you can’t imagine a dessert without chocolate, you can add a few dark chocolate chips if you like, or garnish with some fleur de sel if you prefer the sweet and salty combination.

  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Mix
  • Kitchen: American

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Hello everybody, Even if you're limited on time and money, I believe you can prepare wonderful food with everyday products. All you have to do is cook cleverly and creatively!