How to Fry an Egg
How to Fry an Egg

There’s no secret to a perfectly fried egg – it just takes a little practice to master it. Sunny side up or too easy, here’s how to do it right every time, with a video, step-by-step instructions, and photos.

In this recipe

  • Be tender
  • The best pan
  • using the lid
  • Use low heat
  • butter or oil?
  • cooking time
  • Too easy to make eggs
  • More than breakfast

It’s an easy task, isn’t it? To fry an egg, put some butter in a pan, crack an egg in, and in a few minutes you’ll have breakfast. (Or maybe dinner or lunch!)

It’s not complicated, but even something as simple as frying an egg has its nuances.


How to fry an egg

Perfect fried eggs? Be tender

I have a maxim for eggs: When you boil eggs, you walk on eggs. Eggs are delicate and deserve tender care. This usually means low heat and a few minutes of patience.

The method I’m about to describe gives you perfectly cooked fried eggs, with soft yolks that beg to be mopped up with toast and whites that are cooked but not hard and rubbery.

How to make fried eggs in a nutshell:

  1. Cook the egg over low heat with the lid on the pan for about 2 minutes.
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and cook (with the lid closed) for an additional 30 seconds to finish cooking with residual heat.

The best pan for fried eggs

Any pan made of any material is suitable for frying eggs! If you’re worried about eggs sticking or don’t want to use a lot of butter, choose a nonstick skillet or a well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Stainless steel skillets are fine, but be sure to use an extra teaspoon or two of butter.

A small 8-inch pan accommodates two eggs. Use a larger pan for more eggs. The method and timing remain the same.

Don’t forget the lid!

A lid is key to this low-heat method; it ensures that the egg cooks evenly.

Once the egg is in the pan, immediately cover with a lid. The lid traps the heat and steam from the egg, helping it cook both on the bottom and at the top.

Without a lid, the bottom will cook too quickly and the top will take longer, so you’re more likely to end up with an overcooked, hard egg white when the yolk is done.

Use low heat to fry eggs

Low heat gently and evenly cooks eggs to perfection. If the pan is too hot, the bottom will cook quickly while the top will remain runny and raw.

Once the egg is almost done, remove it from the heat. Leave the lid on and let the residual heat in the pan finish cooking the egg; This will prevent the egg from overcooking in direct heat.

Butter or oil for frying eggs?

You can boil an egg in either butter or oil; it’s entirely up to your taste preference.

If you like the taste of butter then give it a try. Olive oil is a healthy choice and delicious too, especially when layering egg on a savory dish like ratatouille or pasta.

How much butter or oil to use? Use 1 teaspoon butter or oil per egg if using a nonstick skillet or a well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Use 2 teaspoons butter or oil if using a stainless steel skillet.

How long to cook fried eggs

The total time to boil an egg using this method is between 3 and 4 minutes. A lot depends on the exact temperature of your burner and the way your pan conducts heat.

But no worry! Just check the egg after about 90 seconds. Once all but a thin border of the egg white around the yolk is opaque, remove the pan from the heat to finish cooking with the lid on.

If you like your eggs with hard yolks, leave them on the heat until cooked to your liking. You may end up with a thin layer of cooked egg white covering the sunny yolk.

How to make too easy fried eggs

This method is for those who like soft yolks without a trace of shiny egg whites.

Once the egg is cooked sunny side up, simply flip the egg in the pan for about ten seconds to cook the top of the egg. For transmit or over hard, Add a few more seconds.

The trick to flipping an egg use a thin spatula for eggs that are too light. Slide it right under the yolk, which is the heaviest part of the egg. Once you place the spatula under the yolk, flip the egg over and let it cook for 10 to 15 seconds.

Place the spatula just under the yolk again, remove the egg from the pan and turn it back onto the plate so that it is right-side up.

Have your plate ready!

Prepare the plates, toast, bacon, etc. Before You’ll start by cooking the eggs: Since eggs cook in minutes, cook bacon first and press down on the toaster while the egg cooks. Have plates ready and wait.

Eggs aren’t just for breakfast

Ask any egg lover: Eggs aren’t just for breakfast! Who doesn’t love an egg sandwich or an avocado toast with an egg for lunch? A lone guest can make a quick and filling dinner of an egg on boiled vegetables, chili.

Fried eggs are also at home in a simple bowl of pasta with olive oil, parmesan, and lots of pepper. You can bring an egg from the fridge to your plate in about four minutes. That’s what I call quick and easy!

More ways to boil eggs!

  • Peel lightly boiled eggs in the pressure cooker
  • Fluffy scrambled eggs
  • How to steam hard boiled eggs
  • How to make an omelette
  • How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs

How to fry an egg

cooking time
4 minutes

total time
4 minutes

1 fried egg


  • 1 big egg

  • 1 to 2 teaspoon butter or olive oil, depending on the type of pan


  1. Heat the pan:

    Melt the butter or heat the oil in the pan over low heat for 1 minute. Use 1 teaspoon butter or oil per egg if using a nonstick skillet or a well-seasoned cast iron skillet. Use 2 teaspoons butter or oil if using a stainless steel skillet.

    Swirl the pan to coat the bottom.

  2. Boil the egg on the heat:

    Crack the egg into the pan and cover the pan with a lid. Cook, covered, 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, or until all but a thin border of egg white around each yolk is opaque.

  3. Finish cooking the egg from the heat:

    Remove the pan from the heat, cover and let sit for about 30 seconds to finish cooking.

    If you want to make an egg too easy, use a thin spatula and slide it right under the yolk. Carefully lift the egg, turn it over and let it cook for 10 to 15 seconds. Add a few more seconds per piece for both overdrive and overhard.

  4. Surcharge:

    Remove the lid. When removing from the pan, slide a spatula directly under the egg yolk and serve.

nutritional information (per serving)
139 calories
12g Fat
0g carbohydrates
6g protein
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Hello everybody, Even if you're limited on time and money, I believe you can prepare wonderful food with everyday products. All you have to do is cook cleverly and creatively!